Grandiose Tennahilation! (DT)

Grandiose Tennahilation! (DT)


A: * Well well, if it isn't the interlopers!

A: * Came by for another round of espionage, eh?

A: * I'm afraid the fountain won't close so easily, kiddies!

A: * After all, tonight is the night of her majesty's grand pe…

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  • Curiousspook

    Yo, another ant tenna? epic. mines a ant too lol

  • TheFantasticLeo

    Loved the part where he said “it’s tennahilating time” and t…

  • L1zard


    · 2w

    Bonkers man you need to make antoinne the canon bonk-a-rune …

  • Boedinator

    Dude this is PEAK! Really loving this and super glad DT work…


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