慈しみに洗脳は必要でしょうか、それは愛ではないかと(don't need brainwashing to love. (This act is not love).

慈しみに洗脳は必要でしょうか、それは愛ではないかと(don't need brainwashing to love. (This act is not love).

((({ { [ [ BRUNA ] ] } } )))

1. head—dogpatrol
2. NuErotic—Core Self
3. Jinn x Rock the Boat (Miss Jay Blend)
4. Wir Sind—Dubit , 0010X0010
5. Untitled—Vacacamp
6. BioTerrorism—Bergsonist
7. Grey Area—Ena
8. Collapsing Void—Air Max '97
9. Dread II…

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