
  • Midisound

    dynamic design full of beautiful harmonies

  • Herr Bänz

    👍👍👍, Frank!! Supercool exciting tune!

  • weirdness without conviction

    i love the sounds here thank you for sharing your creations

  • ɅƉﺍꝚﺍɅNƠ

    I like to reach the inside of my mind in my works and I like…

  • gaspar monterde

    fantastic track, thanks

  • Loue Ghazi Music

    Amazing production my friend 🌹🙏🏻🌹

  • idematoa

    Lumineux ! 😊😍👍🎶

  • Daniel Vissotto

    Nossa! Que jogo de sintetizadores legal! Parabéns, muito bom…
