Cave Johnson: If you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of tests, please let a test associate know, because in all likelihood, whatever comes out of you is going to be coal. Only temporary, so do not worry. If it persists for a week, though

Cave Johnson: If you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of tests, please let a test associate know, because in all likelihood, whatever comes out of you is going to be coal. Only temporary, so do not worry. If it persists for a week, though


by Cave Johnson:
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text : If you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of te…

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  • Ardian


    · 6mo

    me see us

  • gamequotes

    If you need to go to the bathroom after this next series of …

  • gamequotes

    Only temporary, so do not worry.

  • gamequotes

    If it persists for a week, though, start worrying and come s…
