Hey There, Terezi (I Always Let You Down)

Hey There, Terezi (I Always Let You Down)


Parody of "Hey There, Delilah" - Karkat to Terezi, Gamzee, and the rest of his friends.

Tumblr: itsthesmuppetshowww.tumblr.com/
Artist URL: cloudghost.tumblr.com/post/34630598797/just


Hey there Terezi what's i…

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  • Evil gang 😈 [READ BIO]

    Unpopular opinion maybe but Karkat, Terezi, and Dave are pol…

  • Homestuck Trash

    I am not crying- my eyes are just doing their impression of …

  • dave :)

    dave :)

    ¡ 3y

    iM gOnNa SoB pLeAsE

  • Cas


    ¡ 3y

    Its been so long since this song was made... yet there are l…


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