
  • Kold Rift

    the hinduist and buddhist idea of reincarnation is still dan…

  • Kold Rift

    Sentient water??

  • Kold Rift

    weird theory

  • Kold Rift

    I do past life hypnosis on people and can see what they're s…

  • Ariel Morel

    In the bible, there are mentions that time moves much differ…

  • Ariel Morel

    Made up of tons of little, sentient beings? Sounds like scie…

  • Emma Manigat

    I have a ring!

  • Christina1464

    what came first the egg or the chicken?

  • Christina1464

    Love this pod cast do far.

  • Christina1464

    we know you love it julien because well INCEPTION
