
  • Mystiinferno

    Linkara called, he wants his pyramid head in a pokeball back…

  • Mystiinferno

    Oh yea, a pile of goo, a literal ball, just horse on fire. P…

  • Aristatide

    One of the great advantages to swiping a truly great specula…

  • Aristatide

    How many emotions is people?

  • Aristatide

    That was PRECISELY the wrong moment to take a drink.

  • Aristatide

    Once again, Conrad interrogates the text from the wrong pers…

  • Aristatide

    Everyone who claims they didn't stop to check the length her…

  • Aristatide

    I once had a friend get given a lawnmower *not* to mention t…

  • Aleksandar Malovic

    How does Conrad know how battery tastes? XD
