
  • 󠀡󠀡zayed

    payday 2 gamers be like:

  • Mohsh Kass

    *Enters epic reload battle with dozer*

  • Jerold


    · 1y

    The Waffle House has found it's new host

  • E_,eyebrows

    guys the thermal drill go get it

  • G0d 0f fl19ht

    oh shit dozer

  • dirpy demon

    classic doom vibes

  • King_Crimson

    I wouldn’t give these guys five seconds!

  • fromtheshadows

    Alright fellas we got a bank to rob

  • sUur SUits

    this is prime sneaky spy music

  • kingopenguins

    wait, its Deathwish shouldn't that be a zeal dozer
