
  • zambieboy

    how do you view the comments on the android app?

  • R “AC” B

    all the founders were slave holders? are you sure about that…

  • R “AC” B

    Do you think the ESPN heads are liberal or conservatives? if…

  • R “AC” B

    don't forget the cop also failed to report what happened.

  • cypressmoss

    How do you discover something that already was inhabited by …

  • Jackie Blue

    Thank you Joey no one seemed to acknowledge Chyna. RIP Chyna…

  • I'm Kinda Famous

    joey is sounding much too sore right now .you can be upset a…

  • I'm Kinda Famous

    before bashing obama yes the policies went a certain directi…

  • I'm Kinda Famous

    well if bernie supported other politicians so we know who is…

  • cypressmoss

    Why you didn't play the entire Clooney clip? He explained hi…
