
  • Damon Peterson

    Damon Peterson

    Verified badge· 1y

    This one is amazing! Great feel here. Something is about to …

  • WALL


    · 1y

    Fantasmagorically epic. A masterpiece. Love it.

  • ElectroTrek

    Inciting fear from the deep & chilly unknown! The titanic ha…


    Very exciting. From the beginning this music creates a notic…

  • Victoria J. P.

    This is an awesome and inspiring soundscape!! :D

  • Peter Grimbeek

    Now a thudding sound - something breaking through?

  • Peter Grimbeek

    Mating whales, creaking ice?

  • Peter Grimbeek

    The question is what the bass notes signify?

  • Peter Grimbeek

    Definitely a beneath the ice kind of sound.

  • John Stone

    Great sound picture
