Pet Shop Boys - I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing (MrPopov Electric Remix3)

Pet Shop Boys - I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing (MrPopov Electric Remix3)


I was inspired by sounds heavy bass and other modern stuff from Electric Tour and try to release this idea in remix track. Enjoy!
UNofficial fan made remix only for promotional purposes of great duo Pet Shop Boys. Buy or…

Recent comments

  • George Galindo 1

    @MrUralboy: , This is such an amazing beautiful remix of thi…

  • petshopboss

    that is it, was i like, thx.^^

  • MrPopov


    · 11y

    Now you can download it limited times :P

  • PSBone


    · 11y

    fantastic remix alexander :)


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