
  • Nic Doak

    Here is the genesis of the tune, my live Moog semi-modular j…

  • Nic Doak

    This is my Moog Grandmother synth for leads. My favorite syn…

  • Nic Doak

    The Akai AX-60 does such great bass

  • Nic Doak

    Sample and hold and vibe effects on some guitars

  • Nic Doak

    Guitars! All Stratocasters, some tuned to Drop C.

  • Nic Doak

    Akai AX-60 super fat unison synth bass is our fearless leade…

  • Nic Doak

    Roland JX-3P swells up. Moog DFAM kick comes in

  • Nic Doak

    Moog Subharmonicon starts this tune
