
  • NevTheTech™

    More excellent guitar work man, great job... Again...

  • Major Lee

    Major Lee

    · 12y

    I like the fat kick here

  • Major Lee

    Major Lee

    · 12y

    Intense indeed. This tune keeps one's attention (it doesn't …

  • dynamo snackbar

    Stunning, production, playing and arrangement. A wonderful p…

  • Splicemania Dubz

    quality tune

  • Bonsai Five

    Nice production guys!

  • Smash The Octopus

    Really awesome! Love this post rock vibe. ambient places and…

  • Sam Robinson

    Very beefy guitar tone!

  • Gregory M Hurley

    Great Great sounds! impressive!

  • PFawkes


    · 12y

    this is gooooooood -
