Pandemusic Fluffy Cat Mix (moving house, last mix in old studio)

Pandemusic Fluffy Cat Mix (moving house, last mix in old studio)


28 March 2013: 2 days before moving house, mega stress, everything in boxes, big emotions, studio almost packed up and had little idea. Mixed this late that night, next doors big fluffy tabby cat came in and sat on my la…

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  • PanDeMsic

    This has a Happy ending, New Studio space, bigger than I cou…

  • PanDeMsic

    Came across this sculpture in Ghent wandering around the Old…

  • PanDeMsic


    · 11y

    mmm dark track this, was so sad at the time, leaving our hou…

  • PanDeMsic


    · 11y

    @user8595941-1: thank you, bit of a break at mo, moving hous…


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