Вчерашний Майский Гром / Yesterday Mos Cow Rain

Вчерашний Майский Гром / Yesterday Mos Cow Rain

Sasha Spirit Radiotayga

Thanks to: Zach585 (waterfalls-and-oceans) + Flsouto (inverted-comma-beats-14-of-666) +
JoeFunktastic (shattered-electro-dreams-e-piano-80e) from looperman.com
Video & compose by Sashatayga

Recent comments

  • Sasha Spirit Radiotayga

    Thanks for the kind words, Bro!

  • Looplicator

    I love that your songs have very strong spiritual elements i…

  • Looplicator

    Thanks for feedback on my loop. Just watched your video and …


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