
  • Audric Jankauskas

    Truly spectacular performance by all (not sure if this is AL…


    great playing, what else can I say

  • Richard Dobeson

    Nice Orchestration and Felling!!

  • Ian Tait

    Just outstanding man!!! Great playing,awesome tones ;)

  • digital comps

    U must have studied Greg Howe. Or did u teach him :)

  • digital comps

    Man !! U r bad to the bone on that guitar.

  • Knucklehead Studios

    Tasteful guitar......great tone and performance! Are you pla…

  • Marco Oversteegen

    Nice!! and of course great playin!!

  • Will Patching

    Super intro to a cracking shuffle!

  • Demi-Dee Denton

    Right up my alley!!!
