
  • Ana


    · 3mo

    alguém sabe porque é que só estão 3 áudios em cada lição?

  • Hilbert David

    how to get the pdf file of the lessons?

  • kailee brown

    it really hard for me to learn new things but you guys make …

  • silvanasono

    About this sentence "텔레비전 자주 봐요?" , couldn't be the reason f…

  • Bahar Amadi

    could anyone help to find level 2 lesson 4 of the audio?

  • 김 비샬


  • Ko Pyay Soe Sai


  • Kate


    · 2y

    저는 자주 차를 마시어여. This doesn’t look correct and I can’t quite w…

  • Ar Oua

    Ar Oua

    · 2y

    it's kinda dificult </3

  • Haley D

    Haley D

    · 2y

    Oh my god im so confused. I thought i had it then this sente…
