
  • MidKnight Man

    * You KNOW that the next few moments are more than likely go…

  • MidKnight Man

    * This is getting really repetitive, yet you L.O.V.E IT.

  • MidKnight Man

    * Neither of you are staying dead, this is gonna take FOREVE…

  • MidKnight Man

    * Words cannot describe the pain you’re in right now.

  • MidKnight Man

    * Your reflection is drawing blood... from YOU.

  • MidKnight Man

    * A red eerie glow fills the hallway.

  • MidKnight Man

    * Sparks fly as your blades clash.

  • MidKnight Man

    Alt. Name: Bit SLASH (🥁)

  • Corra Universe

    soundcloud literally crashed for me while playing this song

  • just a guy.

    Credit OD OR 1D for the art
