
  • Anton Pershin

    as a European, I don't get it

  • Gage _The_Devil_Child

    the anglerfish don't use electricity.

  • Gage _The_Devil_Child

    I dont feel bad about being uncut

  • Mackenzie Wieser

    I don't know any adults that don't drink milk, but then agai…

  • Mackenzie Wieser

    I heard that during the times of the Bubonic Plague, sneezin…

  • vienna


    · 6y

    like you guys r still hot without hair. like look at james s…

  • vienna


    · 6y

    tbh, a lot of women don't care if you don't have hair. we st…

  • Vincisomething

    And Korean people have the K rage lmao. But that's at an ext…

  • Gahye S

    Gahye S

    · 6y

    I only hold my nose if the height is far up enough. If it's …
