
  • Krissy_Mingo

    Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the f…

  • RickyFish

    please credit Samuel Kim. this is his version

  • DatDarnOtaku

    @CC-7699 that line was the most true/most Powerful statement…

  • Shimotsuki Ryuma

    i love my theme

  • Darth Maul

    I hate to admit it but his theme’s vocals are better than mi…

  • CC-7699


    · 3y

    “I am Revan reborn. And before me you are nothing”

  • Revan the allmighty

    may the stars save us

  • Han Solo

    he is playing the language of gods

  • PlayPianorz

    May the force be with you.
