D4RK4NGEL - Aokigahara (feat. UNHINGED)

D4RK4NGEL - Aokigahara (feat. UNHINGED)

D4RK4NGEL ⁽⁽ଘ(•̀‿•́)ଓ⁾⁾

1. the partial or total absence of light.
"the room was in darkness"
2. wickedness or evil.
"the forces of darkness"

My first EP, a collaborative project consisting of 5 tracks featuring myself and m…

Recent comments

  • swimlower

    gives me sesh vibes, keep it going bro

  • Lawrence

    Yeeeessss broooo this is what I want

  • Thxbo Saucy Superior

    Its an hot track no cap keep pushing 🔥🔥🔥🙏
