엉터리 악보 (A Bad Composition)

엉터리 악보 (A Bad Composition)

수상운동 제이 (Watersports J)

이 노래는 자신을 멸시하고 경멸하려 살려 했더니 다시 기회가 찾아오길 바라는 노래입니다. (This song is a song that you despise and despise yourself and try to live and hope that another opportunity will come your way.)

자신을 멸시하고 경멸하며 살려 했더니
인생은 그렇게 되고 마는구나

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  • P.Step


    · 2y

    Nice noisy and creative track.

  • Psychedelic Revolution

    Interesting composition. Don't think it is bad.

  • .noir.


    · 2y

    Not bad but the vocals didn't suit well, at least in my opin…

  • 10NG


    · 2y

    It's a different vibe from what I'm intuned w/ but it's cool…


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