
  • Karin-Maria Brunner

    very good!

  • Lammbone


    · 4mo

    This is a great song Rick... albeit from tragedy. I like you…



    Verified badge· 5mo

    great tune

  • Jonathon Strauss Brenner

    Wow, song really captures the rough road, nice work!

  • No killie fish

    hope you recovered Rick. 😉 love your song and I love your a…

  • Stefano Manotti

    Beautiful song, soulfoul vocals and moving lyrics.

  • Jonathan Beckenstein

    Hey... never let a good hospital stay go to waste! It's amaz…

  • Janne Hennie

    this is so strong, and beauteful.... bring my to tears .

  • Ed Cunningham

    aint in true. At least the pain brought you a song Rick. Kno…
