
  • Scratch Kelly

    This is pure excellence 💎💎💎

  • cosmic keanu

    Cool!! Awesome samples and synth melody, great song!

  • He1d1 K

    He1d1 K

    · 1y

    I love a great progressive track! 👏👂👂

  • J.M. INC.

    Gimme some pills and some glow stix and I'm all set

  • J.M. INC.

    Glorious. Great flow, brother

  • David. k. A. Spencer.


  • JunkHeap

    Love these synth textures.

  • Johan's Ghost

    I wish I were snorting a rail off a stripper's ass in Prague…

  • Herr Bänz

    Brilliant Track! ✨

  • Electrometis

    amazing track!!! love the beat, love the sounds - love every…
