3. Wasteman boxers and women who cheat

3. Wasteman boxers and women who cheat

The Receipts Podcast

This episode's topics; women who cheat, girl code and wasteman boxers.

#TheReceiptsPodcast is a fun, honest podcast fronted by four girls who are willing to talk about anything and everything.

From relationships to si…

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  • Victor BC

    Victor BC

    ยท 6y

    No, that's not normal๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • facestygal


    ยท 7y

    Not even a wipe...what a wow.

  • facestygal


    ยท 7y

    Hmm... it depends on if the girl is going clubbing to have i…

  • facestygal


    ยท 7y

    ...don't wash their hands after the bathroom - just nasty.


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