
  • James Eoppolo


  • James Eoppolo

    Sweet track Jim!

  • Larry Collen

    very perceptive lyrics

  • FarOut Music Studio

    Fourth listen, Absolutely fantastic song Jim. ;)

  • David Dunham

    Ahh there is the stinger! It may the curse of our generation…

  • Rowena Simpson

    You’ve given me an idea. Sit and stare into space for a whil…

  • Bill Liggett

    You have a John Hartford vibe coming out of you. I sure do m…

  • Naïve Composer

    Haha all that to essentially say "stfu." Excellent.

  • Naïve Composer

    You make a nuanced point about commenting on music. And you …

  • Pee Gee

    Pee Gee

    · 1mo

    impressive lyrics..respect!
