thfallen  [Petri Tuonenlehto and soundboard tinkerers - original]

thfallen [Petri Tuonenlehto and soundboard tinkerers - original]

soundboard tinkerers Chapter 2

thfallen [original - Petri Tuonenlehto and soundboard tinkerers]

music - guitar, bass and synths - Petri Tuonenlehto of Lapin ihmeellinen luonto
vocals and percussion - soundboard tinkerers
produced by soundboard tinker…

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  • The Faraway Tree

    Smooth vocals!!!!What an unreal song!!!Well done!!!!This is …

  • The Faraway Tree

    LOVe that guitar!!!!!!

  • John Your Mate

    Dropped in again. Still hearing the Bowie. Nice one. Great p…

  • Present Paradox

    perfect :) the vocals are very fitting :)


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